Medium sized beach-front hotel now available for independant bookings.
Belle Helene Hotel
Medium sized beach-front hotel now available for independant bookings
Costas Golden Beach Hotel
Medium sized beach-front hotel now available for independant bookings
Blue Heaven Restaurant
Beach restaurant and private apartments
Panorama Apartments
Restaurant and Apartments at Afionas well- known for magnificent views and sunsets.
Very helpful web site about the nearby resort of Arillas. Useful and active Forum
Sidari and North Corfu for all
A huge on-line guide to Sidari and the whole of north Corfu.
San Stephanos
A local area information site about San Stefanos, a resort situated on the north west coast of Corfu to help you enjoy your holiday.
San Stefano Travel
Direct bookings for independant travellers can be arranged by San Stefano Travel . This friendly local Travel Agency based in the nearby resort of that name can be recommended ..for excursions, boat trips, activities, (even weddings) plus of course accommodation and general travel arrangements.
Corfu Travel Guide
Excellent and comprehensive guide to Corfu which includes some very active Forums for useful tips.
Corfu On Line
Very Extensive full guide to all things Corfu
Holiday Watchdog
An unbiased collection of holiday reviews and reports regarding others holiday experiences around the globe.
Travel-to Corfu
Many pages of interesting facts, photographs about Corfu topics. If you wish to read the Odyssey, it is here!
Country Walker
Country Walker....International Walks including some at Agios Georgios and Arillas.
Walking Guides
Marengo Publications....An excellent series of extremely detailed Walking Guides and Maps including one of Agios Georgios and surrounding districts.
The Corfiot
Fascinating pages with particular interest to those contemplating moving to Corfu
A newly developing site with links to many commercial web-sites, including Travel with a Corfu section.
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