PAGI VILLAGE (hard way)
Very steep start to this walk which then climbs steadily through old olive groves using wide unsurfaced tracks. This walk passes through some little known countryside and has a few lovely views from higher ground.
Time needed 2 hours
WARNING : This walk is not recommended for unfit persons as part of it is very steep .
No liability will be accepted for the accuracy of these notes.This is a rural area and circumstances may change. Footpaths may become overgrown or otherwise difficult to negotiate and some new tracks into private fields may appear. (Advice of any changes will be welcomed.)
START. We start from the Alkyon Beach Hotel at the northern end of the resort .
Leave Agios Georgios beach by the Pagi road and pass the church and Moonlight Restaurant.
Immediately after that restaurant look out for a good surfaced road on the right which you must take.
In a short while ignore the turning into a hotel on the right and proceed straight on.
The track now unsurfaced now goes STEEPLY UPHILL for about 600 m. It is mostly straight and consists of smooth dried mud in places, awkward for footholds, but other parts are very rough and unstable.
At a small level area which is also a junction (possibly some old oil drums on your left here) you can go straight ahead but it is very STEEP so go LEFT and immediately RIGHT, which goes steadily uphill. In 50 metres further on BE CAREFUL and IGNORE a wide track on the left which dips down into the valley. Instead keep right here passing round some bends (always going UPHILL) ignoring any side tracks.
Still follow the track UPHILL and soon you will see down into the valley on your left where a landslide has occurred.
The track passes evidence of another landslide in recent years but is very wide and quite safe.
This exposed embankment reveals some interesting facts about Corfu's wild geological past. It is composed of many very narrow layers of soil sediment which crumble between fingers into a smooth powder totally free of bits of shell, grit etc. It is likely these are layer upon layer of volcanic dust from a huge eruption of a volcano, possible Santorini.
Look carefully and note the many narrow layers of greyish sediment |
Now it is easy going just following the obvious track ahead and ignoring any side turns into the fields. This soon brings you across the front of a detached house and down onto the tarmac road between Pagi and Prinilas.
Here you have a choice of turning left and following the public road down the hill to the outskirts of Pagi village or turning right to use an old footpath down into the same village. If you choose this interesting alternative, go up the hill for about 150 metres looking out for a cemetery on your left just before a bend in the road. Immediately before this there is an old footpath on your left, which you take. This is very rough in places (being widened in 2005). The route is obvious and is all downhill and enters Pagi next to the church.
Return To Agios Georgios:
From Pagi return to the beach at Agios Georgios down the public road taking care to avoid traffic.
To Print off a simpler version of the walk on a white background with the map but with less photographs Click Here

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